Join United Clubs of York


Bonafide, legitimate clubs and organizations located within the County of York, whether independently organized or affiliated with a state or nation-wide organization operating on the lodge system as a subordinate organization, all of which charge their members dues of $1.00 or more per year, shall be eligible for membership in this organization.

Application Process

Applicants for membership shall, through their proper officers, sign a written application for membership on a form to be furnished by the organization, accompanied by one year’s dues. This executed application shall be delivered to the President who shall refer it to the Credentials Committee for investigation and report. The Credentials Committee shall report its findings to the Secretary who shall present the application with the report of investigation to the next regular meeting of the delegates at which time the application shall be voted upon.

A negative vote of 50 percent of the votes cast as such meeting shall bar the applicant from membership and its dues shall be returned.

Request Additional Information

Use the following form to request information on joining United Clubs of York County.

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